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Celebrating 45 years 1979 - 2024

Ti Sento Rings

Decorate your fingers with this exquisite range of Ti Sento rings that deserve to be nowhere other than centre stage. Launching in only 2003, Ti Sento quickly become renowned for their impressive jewellery collections including their mesmerising range of rings. The enchanting gemstones and zirconia set within the sterling silver gives each ring a striking sparkle that glistens with every movement. We also have a fantastic collection of Ti Sento bangles, Ti Sento bracelets, Ti Sento necklaces, Ti Sento charms, Ti Sento earrings, Ti Sento pendants, Ti Sento chains and Ti Sento gift sets, ready to be mixed, matched and layered with these Ti Sento rings for an unmissable look.

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