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Celebrating 45 years 1979 - 2024

Picchiotti Rings

Guiseppe Picchiotti isn’t famed for being one of the best Italian jewellers in the world for nothing and this stunning Picchiotti ring collection proves exactly that. Each piece has been masterfully crafted in house, assuring the exquisite and timeless designs are made to the high standards the Italian family own company pride themselves on. As well as the immaculate crafting, the magical combination of different shades of gold, gemstones and diamonds are what makes these Picchiotti rings completely one of a kind. These timeless rings are treasures that should be worn by generations to come. We also have Picchiotti necklaces, Picchiotti bracelets and Picchiotti earrings available on our website that will pair beautifully with these Picchiotti rings.

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